What is Farmyard Collection?
If you are unable to get to one of our bring centres you can book directly through our website or over the phone for collection of your silage plastic wraps and sheets, if you need any more information please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our recycling experts.
Please note: Minimum number of silage sheets for collection is 5,000 sheets
You can recycle the following farm plastics at our bring-centres:
Silage wrap & sheeting
How to recycle
Not all farm plastics are recycled in the same way.
There are different methods for recycling silage plastics and other farm plastics (such as fertiliser and feed bags, drums, netting and twine).
To help you understand the different ways you can recycle your farm plastics we’ve shared a link that explain farm plastics recycling services.
View page here
Farm Plastic Regulations
Agricultural waste regulation aims to ensure that waste is disposed of safely and without harm to the environment.
Agricultural waste, such as packaging, silage plastics, redundant machinery, tires, oils and batteries can pose significant risks to the environment and human health, if not managed appropriately.
If you are unsure about the current regulations for agriculture waste then please click on the links provided and take a read of regulations for England, Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland.